Bread gets a bad reputation right? Its bad for your gut, its high in starch, it has a high glycemic index, etc etc.
What about sourdough?
Sourdough is actually bread that isnt bad for you and actually has benefits to eating it!
Sourdough is a fermented bread that uses wild yeast and bacteria as a leavener instead of commerical yeast.
Reasons to eat sourdough:
- Sourdough is fermented and the enzymes and grains are eaten over the time it takes for the dough to rise. This fermentation process actually improves digestion of said bread.
- Sourdough, once eaten, feeds the good bacteria in your gut and creates more which is also called a prebiotic. Prebiotics can actually help your body become more regular and prevent constipation as well!
- It does this while feeding your body a variety of different vitamins and minerals. Many of these vitamins and minerals that sourdough naturally contain are actually stripped out of regular bread and replaced with synthetic versions.
- Sourdough has a low glycemic index. Many diabetics who usually cannot have bread can enjoy some sourdough bread that has undergone a long fermenting process.
- A bacteria called Lactobacillus, or as most know as a probiotic, live in high amounts in Sourdough. These bacteria are created when carbohydrates or sugars are broken down. These bacteria produce large amounts of lactic acid which improve gut health, boost the immune system, help brain development, help control cholesterol, protecting against infections, and helping your body absorb vitamins and minerals.